Company News and Insights
6 Reasons Why You Should Not Allow Roofing Contractors to Write Your Specifications:
6 Reasons Why You Should Not Allow Roofing Contractors to Write Your Specifications:
1. Roofing Contractors are not always specifying what is in the best interest of the customer.
2. Roofing Contractors receive rebates from most manufacturers: The more they sell, the bigger % of rebate they will receive.
The Benefits of Knowing a Roof Consultant
From visual surveys, specifications, contract administration, quality assurance inspections, roof maintenance plans and more. ACRC will help you find options and make smarter decisions. Are you having roof failure? If so, what is causing this? Which testing method and equipment will you need for your roof? Do you need assistance with warranty claims? In need for a follow up inspection? These are all questions ACRC can assist with.